Search Analytics

Search Analytics

In this guide, you can learn about how to read and understand the analytics from the search setup and therefore the insights of how visitors are using the search engine on your store.

Analyze and Understand your Search Analytics

To benchmark the sales performance, Hello Retail tracks the average order size and conversion rate of visitors interacting with the search functionality vs. all visitors of your store.

You can also get an easy overview of simple search usage, displaying the amount of average daily searches and clicks generated by your search setup.

Note that by default, the period for displaying general search usage analytics is pre-selected and amounts to two weeks in the past from the date when you open the Analytics menu. You can easily alter the time period by interacting with the date fields at the top of the page. 


  1. Start by logging into your Hello Retail account. On the dashboard view, navigate to the left-hand side menu. Under the On-Site section, click on Search to unfold the drop-down menu.
  2. Next, from the drop-down menu, click on Analytics.


Performance Graph

It is also possible to filter in order to see only numbers for a specifically chosen search configuration. You can do that by clicking on the "Filter" button at the top-right of the Performance graph and select the configuration you are interested in.

Furthermore, it is possible to check it from and to a specific time frame and dates.


Top Searches & Top Searches Without Results

Top Searches

In addition to the performance graph, Hello Retail offers two views; Top searches and Top searches without results.

For both of these views, it is possible to filter out the numbers for the specific search configuration you are interested in, as well as to export the data in a .csv file.

These two analytics groups provide more detailed insights about the most popular searches. As seen below, these insights are then broken down into keywords, search count, conversions, conversion rate, and click-through rate for an easy overview of performance for each search term.


Top Searches Without Results

Top searches without results will show you an analytics view of the search terms that did not result in products or content to show, and its respective search count. From here, it will also be possible to create a synonym or redirect for any of the terms present in the table.    
