Introduction to Newsletter content

Introduction to Newsletter content


In this guide, you will learn about newsletter content, product recommendations in the newsletter and why it is a beneficial way to gain insights about users for personalization purposes.

Why should I use product recommendations in my newsletters?

Using Hello Retail's product recommendations in your newsletters is a fantastic way to create relevant and individual content in your email campaigns.

Relevancy is extremely valuable when it comes to marketing emails. Using product recommendations is a great way to add some dynamic visual content, create a more personalised user experience and boost your click-through rate.

How does it work?

When people view your site, Hello Retail automatically stores information about their behaviour and preferences. We map all the relationships between the different products created by this behaviour and use this to empower our recommendations.

Because we monitor the behaviour of all the users on your site, we can accurately predict what products are most relevant (as well as which products people are most likely to buy!) and recommend them to each user.

You can insert these recommendations into your newsletters and marketing emails. So, when your customers open your newsletters, they’ll see all the content you’ve created (your images, your copy, your designs) plus a few recommendations that are unique to them.

What if a product has just sold out – will it be shown?

The recommendations are generated when the recipient opens the e-mail, so the recipient will always be shown up-to-date content.

Once a recipient has opened your e-mail, the products shown in your recommendation tiles will be locked. This means there won’t be different products shown if they close and re-open the e-mail at a later point in time.

If you want to, you can choose to “clear locked products” on a specific campaign. This will force the system to reassign new products the next time an email is opened.

Can I choose how and what my newsletters should look like?

You have complete design freedom for this. All we do is generate unique product recommendations for each recipient. You can use your regular newsletter provider to set up the design and format of your newsletters. You’ll need to log in to your Hello Retail business account to set up the design and format of the recommendation banners (aka. tiles).

Can I choose what sort of recommendations to display?

Yes — there are a few options for what type of recommendations you can include in your newsletters.

You can choose between:

  • Retargeting – this will show the latest products the user viewed on your site.
  • Products on sale – this will show discounted products.
  • Most popular products in the recipient’s favourite category – this will show the most frequently purchased products from within the category the current user has spent the most time.
  • Hello Retail recommendations – we select the most likely relevant products based on a combination of factors including the user behaviour, most popular products and trending products.

Will recipients get new products in every newsletter?

Yes — Hello Retail tracks what products are recommended and will automatically filter out products from the last ten campaigns which are not older than one month.


If you have any questions about this guide, then please contact Support or your designated account manager about this.