Add to Cart Popup

Add to Cart Popup

Showing a popup box with product recommendations after the customer has added a product to the cart is a great way to increase sales. Hello Retail provides tools for showing relevant products in such a popup.

Some shop platforms include support for showing a popup with information about the product that has been added to the cart. Hello Retail can inject relevant product recommendations into such an existing popup, and hereby ensure increased sales.
If your web shop does not show a popup after a product has been added to the cart, it is possible for Hello Retail to generate the popup, but that requires some small steps and integration tasks, this will be covered below.

If your shop already show a popup when adding to cart:

If you already have a popup when a product is added to the cart, Hello Retail will be able to directly inject relevant product recommendations into that popup. This is done by our flexible javascript that is already present on your web shop.

You can contact Hello Retail support and we will help you set it up. The only prerequisite is that the we need to be able to know what product URL has been added to the basket , so that information needs to be present on the website,  this can be either hidden in the popup  that is shown or somewhere else on the page.

Note If you are in doubt about the popup that you have on your site today, is standard or not, you should be forwarding this guide to your developer or tech resources, they will easily be able to determine if the popup is something Hello Retail will be able to use, and if the needed product URL is present for the recommendations to be implemented. 

If you use a different external software provider to generate content for your existing popup and you are considering ending your cooperation with that provider you should check  with your own developer to make sure that the popup will still be generated after the cooperation has ended.

If you don't have a popup on your site, or if the one you have is not standard

If you don't already have a popup shown by your webshop platform, that is triggered when a product is added to the cart Hello Retail can generate that popup for you. Alternatively you can have you own developer add a popup with information about the product that has been added, please see the section above:  "If your shop already show a popup when adding to cart".

If you want Hello Retail to generate the popup a few steps needs to be completed first.

  1. The Hello Retail javascript on your web shop needs to be changed to another version, something we call a "partner script". Contact Hello Retail support and let us know that you would need a "partner script" for your website - you can refer to this guide if you are in doubt.
    The partner script gives Hello Retail support more possibilities to handle extended requirements like this.  
  2. Hello Retail support will get back you with a partner script that can be put into your page instead of the normal Hello Retail script.
  3. Once the partner script has been added to your site it will make a new javascript function available, with the name helloretail_cart_product_added.
    This new function takes the product URL of the product added to the cart, as it's only argument.
  4. Once this function has been added to all your add to cart buttons, you should reach out to Hello Retail support, and we will implement the actual pop-up and the product recommendations. The look and feel of the popup is something that we will coordinate with you. While we implement the popup, the function does nothing, and so it is safe to add it to your add to cart buttons. 


Since the partner script is a third party script like anything else you add to your webshop, it will load asynchroniously which means that the function helloretail_cart_product_added might not be fully loaded instantly. 
If you wanna make sure that the function is ready to react to the add to cart button click, you can implement your own function wrapper, that will be attaching the event to the load of the function. That can be done like this:

function cart_product_added(product_url) {
    hrq = window.hrq || [];

This wrapper function cart_product_added function can be called at any time. And will pass the call to the Hello Retail function once it is ready. 
