Notes about GDPR

Notes about GDPR

Also known as "Persondataforordning" in Denmark, "Dataskyddsförordningen" in Sweden and "Personvernforordningen" in Norway.

As a part of the Hello Retail solution, Hello Retail handles information on your behalf – but only the data you share with us.

In the context of GDPR, Hello Retail will act as a data processor, and you, as our customer (the webshop), will act as the data controller (responsible). In this regard, it's important for us, as a subcontractor to you, to be GDPR compliant.

GDPR will be enforced by the 25th of May 2018.

Hello Retail will, by then, provide all existing and new customers with a specific data processor agreement. This agreement will include details about what information is processed and how information is handled, to be compliant with the GDPR rules. 

As a foundation for this, even at present, information is securely exchanged and stored with Hello Retail, and all data are stored and processed within the EU.


Information collected about the visitor

  • Pages visited.
  • Products added to cart and included in the order.
  • Interactions with the Hello Retail solution elements.
  • Email address, if shared with us.


Specifically on the topic of triggered emails

Triggered emails are only sent if you hold the permission to send an email to a specific email address. That is why you need to synchronise emails with your Hello Retail account.

When leveraging Hello Retail (wish list) permissions to extend your reach of triggered emails, Hello Retail only sends emails where permission exists between the consumer and Hello Retail (the wish list, these emails are also sent in Hello Retail branding).

If you are using triggered emails in a country where holding permission for sending marketing-related emails is not required, you can choose to opt out of the permission check. However, this is NOT the case in, e.g. Denmark. You as a company hold the responsibility to ensure your compliance with the local law when setting up features in Hello Retail..
