Recommendation Strategies
Here you can find different recommendation strategies Hello Retail provides its customers with:
Picks similar products to the currently viewed products.
The recommended products will be ordered by how similar they are to the currently viewed product. However, you can also choose to prefer products whose price is close to the price of the source product. Similarity will still play the largest part, but for two potential recommended products that both have roughly the same similarity to the source product, you might prefer to show the one that is also similar in price. There's a slider for how much weight you want to put on this price similarity.
Bought together
Picks products which are often bought together with the currently viewed products.
By default, recommendations are ordered only by how often the products are bought together. As with "alternatives" above, you have the option of weighting similar prices as well.
Manual product selection
Picking the exact product you want to show.
Related products
Tracking how often products are viewed by the same user within a short period of time to find the products viewed together.
Retargeted products
This strategy is based on the history of the user’s views. The first product in the product list is the last viewed product by the user, the next one is the second last viewed and so on.
Top products
These are the most popular products ranked according to how often a product is sold compared to how often it is viewed.
Normally, this is a search for some attribute in the title of a product, which is often the name of the product viewed by the customer. However, you can configure it to something other.
Recently bought
Same as the Retargeted products strategy except it focuses on the customer’s recent purchases instead of views.
Abandoned cart contents
It returns the products from the users' current carts. The cart is only current if it has been updated within the last 20 minutes.
Most bought
The products that customers buy most of the time.
Products viewed together
This provides products viewed together with either of two options that can be selected from the "Viewed with" dropdown menu on the dashboard: User's recently viewed products or User's recently bought products. Thus, this ends up being either products viewed together with some recently viewed products or products viewed together with some recently bought products.
Products bought together
This provides products bought together with either of two options that can be selected from the "Bought with" dropdown menu on the dashboard: User's recently viewed products or User's recently bought products. Thus, this ends up being either products bought together with some recently viewed products or products bought together with some recently bought products.
Random products
Picks a number (specified by you) of random products out of the top products range that is five times greater than the number of the products picked.
Recently created
It is possible to retrieve the creation date for each product, however, if that date is unavailable for a certain product, it is set to the date when the product was seen for the first time. This provides products sorted by creation date in descending order.