Search: Initial Content

Search: Initial Content

  • updated 9 mths ago

In this guide, you can read and learn about Initial Content for Search and how to set it up.

With the feature Initial Content, it is possible to present product recommendations to your visitors as part of the search experience, whenever no search results are shown. This is for usecases where the visitor has either not yet started typing a query, or when there are no relevant results to show.


There are four different settings available for the initial content:

  • Count
  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Type


The count sets the number of products you want to be presented.

Title Subtitle

You can enter the text you want to be displayed above the product recommendations. You can leave both blank if you don't want any text.


You can choose what kind of products you want to display. The available algorithms for this is listed below:

Retargeted and top products

Retargeted products mean that when a visitor of your store has already viewed a product and then looks at another product on that page, said product can show up as recently viewed or visited in the Initial Content section, together with the most popular items on your store, which is referred to as top products.

The selection of retargeted products is unique to each visitor, and what they see will depend on what they have interacted with and looked at.

Top products

Top products generally means the most visited and bought products, that are in stock. This is based on a calculation that takes several features about the shop and its products into consideration, in order to present an accurate depiction of overall popularity. 

Most bought Products

Unlike Top products, this setup is only looking at how many times, across all orders made on your shop,  a given item has been purchased, since Hello Retail have started tracking this. It does however, factor in time - so it is not simply an incremented list, but rather a dynamic measurement for what is being bought the most, at the current moment.

Retargeted and Most bought Products

This setup is identical to Retargeted and top products, but is only taking the conversions into consideration, and not the traffic itself.

How to Set It Up

  1. Start by logging into your Hello Retail account. On the dashboard view, navigate to the left-hand side menu. Under the On-Site section, click on Search to unfold the drop-down menu.
  2. Next, from the drop-down menu, click on Overview.
  3. Click into one of your search configurations by its title or by the edit button.

  4. Inside this new view, scroll down to the Initial content section. Click on the Add initial content button.
  5. From the drop-down, you will be presented with two different options to choose from. Either Retargeted and popular products or Popular products.

  6. Set the configuration with a count, title, subtitle, and type.
  7. The state of it can be either in draft or live.
  8. Scroll down and click on Save when you're done with the configuration and settings.

Removal of Initial Content

If you wish to remove an added Initial Content.

  1. Locate the settings and press the trash can symbol. Scroll down and click Save.
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  • 1 yr agoLast active
  • 199Views
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