Apsis One — Newsletter Content

Apsis One — Newsletter Content

Adding Product Recommendations from Hello Retail directly to your Apsis One newsletter is very simple, as Apsis One supplies an integration tailored to Hello Retail users. The following guide will walk you through the process.

If you are new to Hello Retail Newsletter Content, make sure to read our guides on how to create campaigns, and what the different campaign types can offer. You can find more information about it here. If you are already familiar with Newsletter Content, just continue reading.

Create a new Asset in Apsis One

Log into you Apsis One account and go to Email. Here you will create a new Asset under Asset -> Create New Asset.

Name the new Asset and click Next.

For the type of Asset, select Product Recommendation (3rd party) and then Hello Retail.


After choosing Hello Retail, you'll see the new Asset. By default, you'll have a headline saying "Recommendations" that you can change to what you want. Also, there are four grey boxes (hover the mouse over the grey box to see that it's actually four elements), each representing an image of a single product. 


When the Asset is as you want it, save it by clicking Finish in the lower right corner.

Add the Asset to a newsletter

The Asset is now available for you to add to a newsletter design. While editing a newsletter, go to Assets and drag the Asset into the newsletter design.

As soon as you do, you'll see a popup asking for a Hello Retail Templatekey. This is a key that will link the new Asset with your Hello Retail Newsletter campaign. When linked, the Asset will automatically fill with personalized product recommendations generated by Hello Retail.

Input the Template id

Log in to your Hello Retail account and go to Newsletter Content and find the campaign you want to link to the Asset. The campaign will have a unique Template id.

Copy the Template id and paste it to the Apsis One Asset.

Now the Asset is linked to the campaign. You still won't see any product recommendations, as the tags in the URLs of the Asset is still not populated with real data. If you click Preview (at the bottom), Apsis One will input example data so you can see how it will look for a customer.


That's it! You're ready to send out newsletters with personalized Product Recommendations.

Reduce the number of Product Recommendations in the Asset

By default, the Asset will include four Product Recommendations. You can easily remove a Product Recommendation by clicking one of the grey boxes and click the red cross. You'll then have to resize the remaining three boxes to fill the width of the newsletter.

Add more Assets to the same newsletter

If you want to add more Assets with four Product Recommendations, you should prepare additional Assets instead of reusing the same Asset multiple times. If you reuse the same Asset, you'll get the same four product recommendations as in the first Asset, which is of course not the desired outcome.

An Asset with four Product Recommendations automatically labels the four products 1, 2, 3 and 4. These labels tell Hello Retails system to show products 1 to 4 from the database of personalized recommendations. So we want to make a new Asset with labels 5, 6, 7 and 8, telling Hello Retails system to show the next four relevant Products Recommendations. You do this by creating a new Asset in the same way we did before — you can name it "Hello Retail 5-8".

You now need to change two URLs for each of the four elements in the Asset; the image URL and the URL you're directed to when you click the image. To change the image URL, hover over an element and click the Browse button. Under Image URL, you'll see the URL.


The URL looks like this:


It contains a lot of dynamic tags that will be filled out automatically when the Asset is added to a newsletter. You'll see that it contains "productNumber=1" which is the label mentioned earlier. You should change this to "productNumber=5" and do the same for each of the elements, changing them to 6, 7 and 8.

The second URL is located under Link Settings and URL. As before, change "productNumber=1" to "productNumber=5" and the same for the three other elements in the Asset.

You can now drag both Assets into the newsletter and have 8 unique personalized Product Recommendations in two rows. Of course, if you want even more rows, you can create additional Assets with appropriate numbering.
