E37 Installation Guide

Install the Hello Retail JavaScript and Cart Tracking
For Hello Retail to work on your E37 webshop, you'll have to add the Hello Retail JavaScript. Please follow these simple steps to do this.
- Log in to your E37 admin panel
- Navigate to Kontrollpanelen > Webbplats > Allmänt > Script:
- Tick the box Aktivera JavaScript-objekt på klienten and copy/paste your Hello Retail JavaScript into the Script för spårning field:
<script async src="https://helloretailcdn.com/helloretail.js"></script> <script> window.hrq = window.hrq || []; hrq.push(['init', {}]); hrq.push(function(sdk){ try { var productNumbers = []; var cartContents = []; for(var i = 0; i < TC.Cart.Articles.length; i++) { productNumbers.push(TC.Cart.Articles[i].ID); cartContents.push(encodeURIComponent(TC.Cart.Articles[i].VariantID) + ":" + TC.Cart.Articles[i].Quantity); } var cartUrl = document.querySelector("link[rel=home]").href + "/checkout?cart=" + cartContents.join(","); sdk.setCart({ total: TC.Cart.SumInclVAT, url: cartUrl, productNumbers: productNumbers }); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } }); </script>
- Tick the box Aktivera JavaScript-objekt på klienten and copy/paste your Hello Retail JavaScript into the Script för spårning field:
Remember to Save your changes.
Share your Product feed with Hello Retail
For Hello Retail to know all the products in your webshop, please share your product feed with Hello Retail.
- Log in to your E37 admin panel
- Navigate to E-HANDEL > Exportfiler:
- Next to the Keybroker Product Feed, click the link Visa fil:
- Share this product feed URL with Hello Retail by sending it to support@helloretail.com.
Install the Hello Retail conversion span
To track conversion and sales performance with Hello Retail as well as improve your algorithms for on-site recommendations, you'll have to add the Hello Retail conversion span. Please follow these simple steps to do this.
- Log in to your E37 admin panel
- Navigate to Kontrollpanelen > Webbplats > Allmänt > Script:
- In the field Script för omvandlingsspårning i kassan:
Paste the following code:<script type="text/javascript"> var awConversionSpan = document.createElement("span"); awConversionSpan.setAttribute("class", "addwish-conversion"); if(TC.Order){ awConversionSpan.setAttribute("data-ordernumber", TC.Order.ID); } awConversionSpan.setAttribute("data-total", TC.Cart.SumInclVAT); awConversionSpan.setAttribute("data-email", "@write(User.Email)"); for (i = 0; i < TC.Cart.Articles.length; i++) { var awProduct = document.createElement("span"); awProduct.setAttribute("class", "addwish-product"); awProduct.setAttribute("data-productnumber", TC.Cart.Articles[i].ID); awProduct.setAttribute("data-quantity", TC.Cart.Articles[i].Quantity); awConversionSpan.appendChild(awProduct); } document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(awConversionSpan); </script>
Remember to Save your changes.
Create a blank page for search results
You’ll need to create a new page, for Hello Retail to be able to display the search results to the user. Here’s a simple guide on how to do this.
- Log in to your E37 admin panel
- Navigate to WEBBPLATS > Sidor:
- Choose to Add new page ("Ny sida"):
- Provide a name for this new page, e.g. call it Search results:
Remember to Save ("Spara") - Once this new page has been added, click the page in the page list to Edit:
- When editing the page, it's important to Hide the page. You do this under Status by selecting "Dold":
Remember to Save ("Spara") your changes - Finally, share this new page with Hello Retail by sending it to support@helloretail.com – for Hello Retail to finalize the setup of dynamic search.
Configure Webshop
After the installation setup of your platform and the onboarding flow, make sure to have your webshop configured. Read this guide here on how to do so: