Golden Planet / OpenBizBox Installation Guide

Golden Planet / OpenBizBox Installation Guide

How to install the Hello Retail partner JavaScript

Here's how to install the Hello Retail partner JavaScript on the Golden Planet / OpenBixBox platform.

Step 1: Open your Golden Planet/OpenBizBox admin dashboard. From here, choose the menu item: Integration > Custom Integration (In Danish: Integration > Øvrige integrationer):


Step 2: Now choose to Add new Custom Integration (In Danish: Tilføj ny Øvrige integrationer):


Step 3: Finally create this new integration, by providing the Title: Hello Retail, select All pages in the Pages selector and paste in your Hello Retail partner JavaScript into the HTML filed:


Step 4: Here you can find the Hello Retail partner JavaScript, you'll need to paste into the HTML field:

<script async src=""></script>
    window.hrq = window.hrq || [];
    hrq.push(['init', {}]);

Remember to Save your changes. Now the Hello Retail partner JavaScript will be present on all pages.


How to make product data available

For Hello Retail to have knowledge about all your products, you'll have to make all of your products with associated data available for Hello Retail. Here's a simple guide on how to do this - please follow these steps to do so:

Step 1: Open your Golden Planet/OpenBizBox admin dashboard. From here, choose the menu item: Tools > API (In Danish: Værktøj > API):


Step 2: On this page, you'll be able to generate and then get your specific API Client ID and API Client Secret:


Step 3: Simply share this API Client ID and API Client Secret with Hello Retail's support team, for them to finalised the setup of your product data with Hello Retail.


How to associate conversion data

To associate conversion data to Hello Retail, for Hello Retail to improve the personalisation algorithms for your visitors as well as track the sales performance of the Hello Retail features, you'll have to follow these simple steps to set this up in Golden Planet / OpenBixBox:


Step 1: Open your Golden Planet/OpenBizBox admin dashboard. From here, choose the menu item: Integration > Custom Integration (In Danish: Integration > Øvrige integrationer):


Step 2: Now choose to Add new Custom Integration (In Danish: Tilføj ny Øvrige integrationer):


Step 3: Finally create this new integration, by providing the Title: addwish-conversions, select Checkout success in the Pages selector, select Body end in the Position selector and paste in the Hello Retail conversion span code into the HTML filed:


Step 4: Here you can find the Hello Retail conversion span code for Golden Planet / OpenBizBox, paste into the HTML field:

<span class="addwish-conversion" style="display:none;"
      data-ordernumber="{{ }}"
      data-total="{{ }}"
      data-email="{{ }}">
    {% for item in order.items %}
        <span class="addwish-product"
              data-productnumber="{{ item.sku }}"
              data-quantity="{{ item.qty }}"
    {% endfor %}

Remember to Save your changes, and you are done.


How to create a blank search page

The following section is only relevant for setups for a full search.

Step 1: Navigate to Content & layout > Info Pages:


Step 2: Now, choose to Add new page:


Step 3: Give this new page a name (Title), we recommend you call it Searchresults or something similar:


Remember to Save this new page.

Step 4: As the next step, you'll need to navigate to Design -> Layout Builder:


Step 5: In the Layout builder, navigate to Information page:


Step 6: In edit-mode, click the edit/settings icon – to edit the navigation and footer links:


Step 7: Here, you should ensure this new page is not visible (make sure the box is unticked) in the navigation and footer:


Step 8: Finally you'll have to share this new page URL with Hello Retail, to finalize the setup of dynamic search in your webshop. The URL for this new hidden page should be something like: http://YOUR_DOMAIN/information/searchresults/ if you called the new page "searchresults"

Configure Webshop

After the installation setup of your platform and the onboarding flow, make sure to have your webshop configured. Read this guide here on how to do so:

Configure Webshop
