Setup and Data Examples

Setup and Data Examples

For this guide, you'll find a few examples on how to set up the various data feeds that are crucial to feeding Hello Retail with all the relevant data from your webshop. The examples are a part of the General setup โ€” data synchronization requirements guide.
As a general note, it should be stated that the examples below are not requirements. You can name the fields in any way you see fit, and Hello Retail will still be able to work with the data - as long as the file itself is not rendered as invalid, due to structural issues within the format.

Product feed โ€” sample product:

        "type": "configurable",
        "id": 917,
        "sku": "2heu28371prop",
        "ean": "1234576251872",
        "productNumber": "837192837217",
        "price": 100,
        "priceExVat": 80,
        "oldPrice": 130,
        "oldPriceExVat": 104,
        "hasPriceRange": false,
        "currency": "DKK",
        "title": "Cool Bike helmet",
        "brand": "Helmetking",
        "description": "This bike helmet has a great fit with an adjustable strap. comes in two colors.",
                "bike equipment",
        "attributes": {
            "color": [
            "size": [
        "keywords": "helmet safety cycling",
        "tags": [
        "url": "",
        "imgUrl": "",
        "secondaryImgUrls": [
        "overlay": [
        "visibility": "search/catalog",
        "instock": true,
        "quantity": 5,
        "createdDate": "2019-05-12 10:04:05",
        "isNews": false,
        "variants": [
                "type": "variant",
                "id": "918",
                "sku": "2heu28371propblue",
                "ean": "1234576251823",
                "productNumber": "837192837218",
                "price": 100,
                "priceExVat": 80,
                "oldPrice": 130,
                "oldPriceExVat": 104,
                "hasPriceRange": false,
                "currency": "DKK",
                "title": "Cool Bike helmet blue",
                "description": "This blue bike helmet has a great fit with an adjustable strap. it also comes in red.",
                "hierarchies": [
                        "bike equipment",
                "attributes": {
                    "color": [
                    "size": [
                "keywords": "helmet safety cycling",
                "tags": [
                "url": "",
                "imgUrl": "",
                "secondaryImgUrls": [
                "overlay": [
                "visibility": "search/catalog",
                "instock": true,
                "quantity": 3,
                "createdDate": "2019-05-12 10:04:05",
                "isNews": false
                "...": "...",
                "...": "..."

Back to General setup - data synchronization.

Sample order:

        "id": 888,
        "orderNumber": "91826od",
        "orderProducts": [
                "id": 144,
                "url": "",
                "productNumber": "738237238232",
                "quantity": 1,
                "price": 100,
                "priceExVat": 80
                "id": 322,
                "url": "",
                "productNumber": "837192837217-xxl",
                "quantity": 1,
                "price": 100,
                "priceExVat": 80
        "createdDate": "2019-05-12 10:04:05",
        "total": 200,
        "email": ""

Back to General setup - data synchronization.

Sample category:

        "id": "72",
        "url": "",
        "title": "Helmets",
        "hierarchy": [
            "bike equipment",
        "keywords": "safety bike helmets",
        "description": "Helmets for everyone",

Back to General setup - data synchronization.

productData fields specifications:

type: string
Configurable, simple, bundle, etc. whatever your shop platform calls the different product types.

id: string
Id of the product.

sku: string
Sku (Stock-keeping unit) of the product.

ean: string
Ean of the product.

productNumber: string
Product number of the product.

price: string or float
Current price in default or requested currency as shown on website incl. tax.

priceExVat: string or float
Current price in default or requested currency as shown on website excl. tax.

previousPrice: string or float
The standard price in default or requested currency of the product incl. tax -  will be the same as the price for products not on sale.

previousPriceExVat: string or float
The standard price in default or requested currency of the product excl. tax - will be the same as priceExVat for products not on sale.

hasPriceRange: bool
Indicates if the product is available in a range of prices (ie. through variants).

currency: string
Currency used for the price.

title: string
Product title in default or requested language.

brand: string
The brand value of the product

description: string
Product description in default or requested language.

hierarchies: list of hierarchy lists
A hierarchy can be compared with the breadcrumb navigation on the site. It's a list of categories going from root category to the most nested subcategory in the hierarchical order.
Hierarchies are simply a list of hierarchies which is useful as products often exist in multiple categories.
If one of the hierarchies is to be considered a default then that should be listed first.
attributes: object with key-value pairs - each product attribute should be assigned here. key = attribute name, value = list of attribute values assigned to the product.

keywords: string
Product keywords separated by spaces.

tags: list
List of product tags

url: string
Product URL for default or requested language.

imgUrl: string
Default image URL - preferably scaled to the size used by the shops' catalog pages.

secondaryImgUrls: list
List of secondary/alternative image URL - preferably scaled to the size used by the shop's catalog pages.

overlay: list
A list of HTML, image URLs or others is used to display badges/overlays on the product tile.

visibility: string
Indicates the product's visibility setting  - search, search/catalog, hidden, etc.

instock: bool
Indicates if the product is in stock or not.

quantity: string or number
Indicates the quantity in stock. For products with variants, it would be a sum of all the variants.

createdDate: string
The timestamp of the product creation date formatted as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.

isNews: bool
It indicates if the product should be considered as news or not.

variants: list of productData
List of product variants. If one of the variants is to be considered a default then that should be listed first.


Back to General setup - data synchronization.