Top Viewed & Selling Products

Top Viewed & Selling Products

 In this guide, you can read and learn about the top viewed and top selling products.

An important part of Hello Retail is the data created and the insights the data can provide. Depending on your subscription type, varying levels of insights are available but by default, you can always get insight into the most popular product on your site: Top 20 viewed products and Top 20 selling products. Both product categories are also known as top products.

How to check the Top 20 viewed products and Top 20 selling products:

The following steps will show how to check these two insights:

  1. Start by logging into your Hello Retail account. On the dashboard view, navigate to the left-hand side menu. Under the Configuration section, click on Data Setup to unfold the drop-down menu.
  2. Next, from the drop-down menu, click on Inventory.

This page is primarily about the status of the product inventory and it changes over time. But at the top in the righthand corner, you can click on Top 20 viewed products and Top 20 selling products buttons to see what products are getting the most attention.

This picture shows steps 1 and 2.

For example,  if you click Top 20 viewed products, you can retrieve a list that looks like this:

View score and Buy score

The View score is a score calculated by Hello Retail based on various factors related to "views", for example, how many times the product has been clicked in a Hello Retail product recommendation. The number itself is somewhat arbitrary and does not translate to actual views but a combined score of different factors weighted by the underlying algorithm. The same goes for Top 20 most selling products where the list is very similar with a provided Buy score.

You can, for example, use this information to get more insight into which products to include in promotional material. Or if a product might need a price reduction or temporary sales price because it has a high view score but a low buy score.


Depreciation rate for top products

The Top Products algorithm is using time and trends to define what is popular. Products viewed and bought in the past do not influence as much as recent views and purchases. It has a decay. It can be set to a month and then the data from more than a month ago does not count. Data from today is then weighted higher than from a week ago.

Each product has a score which goes up by a certain increment whenever a customer visits the product. 

This score begins to depreciate when customers stop visiting the specific product. The scores will depreciate faster with each day gone by when the product isn't visited.

It is possible to adjust for either faster or slower depreciation rate for products.

Please feel free to reach out to the Support team if you have any questions or need help in regards to this.
