Search: Filters & Sortings

Search: Filters & Sortings

In this guide, you can read and learn about setting up the filters and sortings for your search functionality.

First navigate to one of your searches.


Then scroll down to the bottom. Here you will see a box "Filters & Sorting":



Say, if you wish to use sorting, i.e. you wish to show a sorting box saying "Price - low to high" and "Price - high to low". Then toggle on the "Sorting", as such:

 Then navigate to the drop down box "Select sorting..." and find the "price" option and click on it. You can add more if you feel like it.

You can now add text in each of the two scenario.
You can add as many options there are available for sorting. The order of the fields defines the order they come out in in the search design template. You an drag the sortings  up or down by clicking and holding down the cursor on the field name.


The same procedure for Sorting goes for Filters.  You can enable the filters by toggling on "Filters", then click the "Select filters..." and add the filters that you wish:

The order in which the filters are shown also defines the order they come out in the search design template. So, as with sortings, you can also drag the filters up or below each other if you wish to alter the order.

What if a specific field is not available for sorting or filtering?

If you find yourself in the situation, where one of the product fields are not available in the sorting or filtering drop downs, then it is due to 1 of 2 things:

  1. The field is already added to your selected list of sorting/filter
  2. The field has not been selected for index. For a field to be able to be sortable or filterable, it should be indexed. You can learn more about that here: Website's Indexed Product Fields