Create SmartWeb/hosted Dandomain/Hostedshop API User for Category & Order Feed

Create SmartWeb/hosted Dandomain/Hostedshop API User for Category & Order Feed

Give Hello Retail access to categories & order feed via SmartWeb/hosted Dandomain/Hostedshop SOAP API.

This guide also correlates to the guide about SmartWeb Installation Guide.

Creating the API user:

First you must go to your shop and log in to your backend. When inside you navigate to Indstillinger > API:SOAP and activate API by checking the "API adgang" checkbox - finally save by pressing "Gem"

Next you go to Indstillinger > Medarbejdere and press "Opret medarbejder" :


Give the user a firstname and lastname of your choosing, a password and a unique email that isn't used by another user . The email doesn't actually have to work as it is mainly used as a username.
The password is going to be visible for Hello Retail support staff so don't use your personal password - make up something new.
OBS: the password must not contain the characters '!' and ',' and '€'.

 Next you change the Applikationsadgang setting from Administration to API
Finally create the user by pressing the Gem button.

Sending api user credentials to Hello Retail:

Contact and tell them that you want a smartweb, hosted Dandomain or hostedshop  category and order feed set up and give them the username and password that you gave the new user.

Also you must give them the languageISO for the shop - if you shop is in danish then it is "DK"
