Enriching the Product Feeds

Enriching the Product Feeds

The better data we receive, the better & more personalized solution we can build for you. You might therefore have to expose more product attributes in the product feed.


Product feeds & Secondary product feeds

The preferred way to add more product data to Hello Retail is to update the product feed with the missing attributes. Sometimes altering the original data feed might not be an option. Luckily, Hello Retail supports multiple product feeds. This means that you can create a secondary feed with the missing product attributes.

We use the canonical URL of the products as identifiers. This means that if you create a secondary product feed, you just have to remember to add the URL to the product so we can identify it. Thereby we will merge the data from the two feeds.

Note You cannot have two feeds with different products in each as we need to have one feed with all the products. However, they can have different product information. E.g., the primary feed could have information if the product is in stock, the price, and the other one could have color and description.

The format for the secondary feed should follow our general guidelines (example feed).

Enrich Product data through HTML

If it is not possible for you to deliver the additional product data in the product feed, you can create a hidden HTML element on your product page that we can pick up. This solution isn't ideal and should only be used in those cases where adding product data to a feed isn't possible. These are the following drawbacks with this solution:

  • Product data is only updated whenever a user visits the product page. This means that seldom-visited products will not be as frequently updated. This could be an issue if you use those extra fields to search in, as you wouldn’t be able to find the products that are seldomly visited.

When using this option, you would need to provide the element in the following format.


<div hidden id="hello-retail-product-data" data-hr-color="green" data-hr-size='["s","m","xl"] '></div>


You can add all the properties you want, but as a  security measure, we don't pick up prices. Prices have to come from the Product Feed. If you want to show HTML, you will need to HTML-encode the HTML in the data attribute.

Example of data types:

  • Single number:

  • List:
