Fixed and Removed Products - in Search
In this guide...
The Hello Retail Search automatically ranks search results after popularity, relevancy, and many other parameters—parameters that you can tweak. These tweaks are organic in the way that the Hello Retail algorithms are still in control of the results, but the tweaks will influence how results are prioritized.
If you want to take more direct control, there are a few options for that too. You might have some specific products that you want to be presented when customers are using certain search words. In that case, you can set up fixed products.
If you want to learn about how to set up fixed products for recommendations, then check out this guide here.
If needed, you can also check out this guide about product lookup here.
Fixed Products
With fixed products, you can force the Hello Retail Search to display a specific product when a customer enters a search word you define. If, for example, you want to promote a particular product when customers are searching for "shoe", the product will be prioritized above the other products Hello Retail will automatically present to the customer.
You configure the fixed products under Search -> Search Engines where you click Edit fixed products.
Here you will see two input boxes. Under Search term, you enter the search word that will trig the system to display the specific product. You define under the product in Product URL, where you input the direct URL to the product you want to promote.
You can add as many fixed products as you want, or maybe add more search terms leading to the same product. Remember to click Save to save the changes.
Remove products
If you instead want to exclude a product for specific search terms, you can do that under Search -> Search Engines and then click Edit removed products.
The process is the same as for fixed products: you enter a Search term and provide a Product URL to the product you want to exclude when a customer searches for the term you just defined. Click Save to save the changes.
General notes
The primary goal of the Hello Retail Search algorithms is to present your customers with relevant products related to the search terms, which are tweaked continuously in terms of popularity, clicks, orders, and so on. So generally, there's little need to do manual forced changes like the above. But if you are running a campaign promoting a specific product, and you want to lead customers to that product, changes like this can be a good idea.