First Steps as a Hello Retail User

First Steps as a Hello Retail User

 Getting Started with Hello Retail

In this guide, you can read and learn about how to get started on the Hello Retail platform and the first steps towards setting some of the main components up and running.

Once you've found your way to the Hello Retail website, you're only a few steps away from getting dynamic recommendations on your webshop - and much more. We get the best results when we work together, so if you follow the steps below, Hello Retail will have a great foundation to build something excellent for your site, making an impact that you can feel and see. 

Creating an Account

The very first thing to do is to create a business account here.  After inputting the relevant data, you'll be presented with your Hello Retail user account. At the very top, you're asked to input the Hello Retail JavaScript which is the next thing we'll guide you through.

Inserting the Hello Retail JavaScript

For Hello Retail to work, you have to add our JavaScript to your webshop. Depending on your shop, the process varies but they are all relatively easy.

We've made specific guides for a range of platforms: 

If you can't find your platform on this list, please see a general guide here instead.

NB: If you have Magento and install the Hello Retail Magento extension, the next three steps, product data, conversion data, and empty page for search, are already done.

Please also feel free to read more in-depth technical API documentation here.

Data, Search & Recommendations

Providing Product Data

Knowledge of the products on your webshop is crucial for Hello Retail to work. There are different ways to provide this data to Hello Retail. A routinely updated feed is the ideal way. You may already have one if you're on a price comparison site. If not, most platforms make it easy to create one. 

You can read all about setting up data feeds here.

Providing Conversion Data

Hello Retail is all about providing your customers with the most relevant product recommendations. So, actual data about what products your customers buy together is highly valuable. As with product data, you can provide this data in different ways. The conversion span is similar to the product span as it provides a standardized presentation of the products on the confirmation page after the customer has completed the purchase. 

You can read all about setting up data feeds here.

Providing an Empty Page for Dynamic Search

To get Dynamic Search, we need an empty page on your shop where we can place the results. Creating an empty page is usually done in a few easy steps in the backend of your webshop platform. You can call the page anything you like, for example, " ".

If you have an existing search page, we do not recommend using that, since the existing search will be visible shortly before our search loads.

You can see an example of an empty search page here.

Inserting div's for Product Recommendation Placement

You control where Hello Retail places the product recommendations on your shop, by inserting so-called "divs" in the HTML of your shop. The product recommendations will then be placed at the exact location of the divs on your pages.

You can learn more about how to do it, and what a div actually is here.

Development from localhost

If you are a  developer, you have the possibility to work from localhost and load the data related to the webshop you are coding for via its UUID parameter.

To learn more, follow the link.

Talk to our Sales Team

We want to provide you with a solution you can be happy with - and from which you get results! We do that through a dialog with you so we can determine the design and general setup. Products recommendations are just one of our services - you can see them all here.

Watch your Revenue Rise

With Hello Retail implemented, your customers are presented with hyper-relevant products related to the products they are viewing, products they've visited in the past, products other customers have bought with the product, and so on. The bottom line is that your customers will stay on your site longer, and are more likely to complete a purchase with an increased basket size. And we don't just say that - you can follow the process on your Hello Retail business user account, providing detailed information about how Hello Retail has impacted your shop. We also offer a smooth implementation of Google Analytics so that you can track the progress yourself.

If you have any questions about this guide, then please contact Support or your designated account manager about this.
